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  • Cod Fish collagen Peptide is a type I collagen peptide.It is extracted from cod fish skin, processed by enzymatic hydrolysis at low temperature, It is widely used in food, health care, pharm···
  • Bonito Elastin Peptides are derived from the skin of bonito, a fish known for its rich protein content. Elastin is a key structural protein found in connective tissue that provides elasticit···
  • What is collagen tripeptide and what are its benefits? If you have ever wondered how to achieve radiant, youthful skin, then this article is for you. In recent years, collagen tripeptide has···
  • Cod Fish collagen Peptide is a type I collagen peptide.It is extracted from cod fish skin, processed by enzymatic hydrolysis at low temperature, It is widely used in food, health care, pharm···
  • Walnut peptide is a small molecular collagen peptide, it is extracted from walnut by targeted bio-enzyme digestion and low temperature membrane separation technology. Walnut peptide has bett···
  • Product Name: Fish Collagen Peptide && Form: Powder && Color: White or light white && Raw Material: Tilapia fish scales or marine fish skin
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