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Collagen peptides can meet the demands of different groups of people

Date: 2025-01-09
Visits: 437

1. Molecule peptide

It is a type of small molecule peptide obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of egg white albumin. It is rich in amino acids and is a more comprehensive “immune enhancer”. Albumin peptides can not only regulate immunity, but also, as small molecule nutrients, can be quickly and effectively absorbed and utilized by the body, promoting the circulation and absorption of nutrients such as calcium and iron in the body, and achieving targeted nutrition supply. Therefore, for children who are in great need of nutritional supplements during their growth and development stage, especially those who are allergic to milk protein, albumin peptides is a good choice.

2. Walnut Peptide

Recent research shows that some special fragments have been found in walnut peptides, which can significantly promote children’s brain development. Walnut peptides are rich in glutamic acid and citrulline. The former is a neurotransmitter related to signal transduction in the brain, and the latter is the precursor of the messenger NO. In addition, walnut peptides have strong antioxidant activity, both of which are beneficial to learning and memory.


3. Fish Collagen Peptide

Fish collagen peptides can stimulate articular cartilage to produce type II collagen, hyaluronic acid, mucopolysaccharides and proteoglycans, inhibit articular cartilage destruction, increase osteoblast-mediated bone formation, reduce osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and Increase bone density; clinical studies have shown that patients with knee osteoarthritis, taking 8g of collagen peptide orally daily for 6 months can significantly reduce joint pain and improve joint function; collagen peptide can increase blood hydroxyproline concentration, Reduce bone loss in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and enhance and prolong the effects of anti-osteoporotic drug therapy.

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